WOMEN AT WORKpesented by Alice Foster (UK)
What occupies a woman’s day? From depictions of farm workers and hearth keepers in the Middle Ages, to picture restorers in the 21st century, Alice’s lecture explores the responsibilities of women at work. Women participated in brewing, baking and textile weaving. During World War 2 they made armaments; were researchers in science and the arts and eventually were allowed to become priests. All these jobs were depicted, sometimes by famous artists such as Edouard Manet and
Laura Knight, sometimes by less well-known artists. Some women became artists themselves,
facing challenges of work in what was considered a man’s world.
Alice Foster has lectured for Oxford University Department of Continuing Education since 1998. She
lectures regularly at the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, and at the Oxfordshire Museum in
Monday 19 May 2025 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM (UTC+11)Location
St John Paul Colllege - Theater
421 Hogbin Drive, Coffs Harbour NSW 2450