Ballarat District Venturers - 2024 VG Meals & Equipment
Ballarat District Venturers will be travelling and camping together for 2024 Vic Gathering (VG).The cost of the Meals and use of standing camp equipment (kitchen, shelters etc) is $50 per youth member - this is the ticket you purchase here.
VG CAMP TICKET: Make sure to purchase your VG camp ticket and "7:53pm Arrives Belgrave" bus transfer to attend VG through this link:
TRANSPORT TO VG - You will need your MyKi card to catch the 4:48pm train from Ballarat Central train station on Friday, transfer at Southern Cross to the 7:01pm Belgrave train. Connecting VG bus to Gilwel park.
MEALS - will include Supper on Friday night to Lunch on Sunday. Youth will be rostered-on to prepare, cook and clean-up meals for the weekend. The menu will be finalised by the District Youth VG planning team in coming weeks. Please indicate specific dietary requirements when booking your ticket.
♦♦ Everyone will need to BYO dinner on Friday night ♦♦
Gilwell Park Scout Camp
Gilwell Park, 2555 Gembrook-Launching Pl Rd, Gembrook Vic 3783