Guthrak - Adelaide

Inspired by the tabletop game, Dungeons & Dragons, Guthrak is an interactive theatrical experience for teenagers. Guthrak combines live music, interactive storytelling, a luscious hand-crafted tabletop map and gameplay mechanics to question what it takes to heal our hurts and remake the future. Each performance is limited to 32 audience members and the story is based on the real-life Dungeons & Dragons campaigns of Natalie Hockley. Guthrak explores racism, sexism, mental illness, growing up and the power of making our own choices.Guthrak is supported by the Adelaide Festival Centre inSPACE Development Program, Arts South Australia through the Department of the Premier and Cabinet, the Australian Government Regional Arts Fund, Regional Arts Australia, Country Arts SA, State Theatre Company of South Australia and Riverland Youth Theatre.
Slingsby's Hall of Possibility
Rear Hall, 96 Glen Osmond Road, Parkside SA 5063