Loss of Control Prevention Training - Pilot Edition
Loss of Control In-Flight (LOCi) is by far the biggest cause of fatal accidents in aviation. This course will help you to not only reduce your risk of becoming another LOCi statistic, but will also help you become a better, safer, confident, and more competent pilot.Our courses are tailored to both RAAus and Certified aircraft operations, so it does not matter if you are an RPC, RPL, PPL, CPL or ATPL holder, the skills and knowledge obtained during this training will be tailored to suit the aircraft types YOU fly.
Spots are limited so register NOW. For more detailed information, visit https://www.strikeaviationtraining.com/upset-prevention-recovery-uprt and download our flyer about this important part of your aviation journey.
Strike Aviation Training
Hangar 105 McNaught Rd, Caboolture QLD 4510