(Casting preference is however for members aged 11 - 26 years of age at the time of the show.)
CALEDONIAN HALL, 31 Homer Avenue, Moonah
What is Hobart Gang Show?
For nearly fifty years Hobart Gang Show has been providing young people with opportunities to develop confidence, resilience and teamwork through the performing arts. Along the way, they also have lots of fun!
Hobart Gang Show is an annual theatrical production which is a training activity providing young people of Scouts, and Girl Guides Tasmania with practical experience of performance and stagecraft. Involvement may be in singing, dancing/movement and speaking roles on stage and/or even help write the script or music the following year. There are also other opportunities for those aged 16+ years to be involved in band, choreography, sound, lighting, audio or being a member of the backstage crew. Many of the Gang have developed life-long passions in areas related to the performing arts with some, as a direct result of their involvement with the Show, going on to noteable professional careers either on stage or in a particular backstage field of work.
Each year we are looking for young people to be involved, to open doors they may not have explored, or get further experience in an interest area. There is so much to be gained through involvement in Hobart Gang Show. It goes further than a talent or technical skill, but builds character through rehearsals, discipline, being physically active and gaining confidence to the end result of showcasing their work to an audience.
The first step
The first step is booking an audition. Those in Scouting may immediately book their audition. Those in Guiding will need to first register your interest through Girl Guides Tasmania, then book an audition.
This is your chance to be involved, but if you don't come along, you will miss the opportunity HGS has to offer. Casting preference is given to youth members aged 11 - 26, however any current member of Scouting or Guiding may audition. Gang Show offers a unique and easy to enter environment to learn the skills required to perform on stage and in front of an audience.
All involved with the Show are volunteers.
Note - a) Everyone involved with Hobart Gang Show aged 16+ must have a current Working With Vulnerable People card.
b) Everyone aged 18+ must complete relevant Child Safe module/s and all relevant checks/training as determined by the respective Associations.
About the audition
Hobart Gang Show is an inclusive production; where auditions are designed to help us find the best place for you in the show, ideally on stage. Everyone who auditions will be made welcome, regardless of their ability, with the audition being as a group. We endeavour to have everyone involved, but the final number of actual cast does need to be limited due to stage size, dressing rooms, logistics and theatre regulations.
There are three components of the audition - acting, singing and movement. If you wish to be involved, you need to book an audition. Family members please note each individual person must complete a separate booking. Once you have booked your audition you will receive a confirmation E-mail along with further information.
Firstly, you will be asked to choose the time that suits you best, then book your audition and answer some simple questions.
- 1.00 p.m. arrival - 2.30 p.m. pick up
- 2:45 p.m. arrival - 4.15 p.m. pick up
- 4:30 p.m. arrival - 5:30 p.m. pick up (available for those unable to attend either of the two earlier auditions, or if the two earlier auditions become fully booked). You will be contacted if this booking time needs to be rescheduled.
- If you are unable to attend any of the above, please contact to discuss an alternative option.
Remember auditions are just part of the process for any stage production, there is no need to be worried about anything, but if you have any concerns please do not hesitate to contact to discuss your concerns. If this is your first audition it would be appreciated if you could forward a recent photo of yourself and brief resumé. The resumé needs only to be a dot point list of what you have done/are doing in Scouting or Guiding and any experience with theatre, acting, singing or dancing. If you are interested in auditioning for a solo/main singing or acting role please indicate this during registration.
A few weeks after auditions there is a one hour information session for everyone (scripts given) and then a 30 minute separate session for parents while cast are advised of their roles. Rehearsals start on 18th May and are held most weeks on a Sunday (1.00 - 5.00 p.m.), no rehearsals on long weekends. There is also a Gang Show camp at the Orana Girl Guide Camp (Roches Beach), which is a very important full weekend. Everyone must ensure their availability for the entire camp (9th & 10th August) and all rehearsals following.
Performance dates are 18th, 19th & 20th September.
Any questions, contact Denice on 6224 1105
Or E-mail