Write Links Meeting December 2024

Write Links meeting will be held at State Library of Qld, Meeting Room 1B on Saturday 7 December.
- 1:00 pm Topic: Christmas gathering - bring food to share, books to swap or sell and your ideas for a fabulous Write Links 2025. The afternoon will include an entertaining short performance of a play written for children by J M Wisbey and acted out by Write Links members.
- 2:00 pm Write Links Networking and Collective Wisdom - drawing of the four raffles. Do you have a ticket? Buy them here. https://www.trybooking.com/CXEIU
- 3:00 -5:00 Critiquing
Qld Writers Centre, Level 2, State Library of Queensland
Cultural Precinct, Stanley Place, South Brisbane 4101
OR online via ZOOM
Contact Details:
Yvonne Mes writelinks@booklinks.org.au