Songwriting Summer Camp with Mia Palencia

What are some of the ways I can be more creative? Why do I struggle to finish my songs? How do I create more variety in my music? How can I write “stronger” songs?Songwriting is a mysterious and seemingly random form of creativity. As songwriters, we often go through busy periods of inspired writing, and then nothing at all for many weeks and months. When inspiration strikes, we sit down with our instrument and write furiously. Time passes: sometimes minutes, sometimes hours, and when we finally look up, we (hopefully) have a song in our laps and no real idea how it came into being. These magical moments are so rewarding and addictive but can be few and far between.
This 2-day camp is a time to reflect on our creativity, learn the shape of it and get creative! It has been designed as 4 modules for flexibility – stay for the whole 2 days (highly recommended!) or pick and choose what you can commit to (also good!).
SEE Studio
228 Liverpool St, Hobart TAS 7000