Dorrigo Community Consultation AOD use and assoc issues

You are invited to a community consultation about alcohol and other drugs use and associated issues in our shire.We invite you to become a part of a community consultation to map and identify local alcohol and other drugs use and associated issues.
Whether you're an individual looking to make a contribution, an advocate or supporter, community service worker, a volunteer eager to lend a helping hand, or a community member of the Bellingen Shire there's a place for you in our consultation.
The feedback and ideas from this consultation will be used to support future action.
Lucky door prize $50 gift card for one participant.
Dorrigo, Wed 11th December, Dorrigo Youth Centre 6 pm - 7 pm dinner provided
Why Participate?
Influence Change: Your insights will directly impact the development of innovative solutions. Connect : Network with like minded people. Be Heard: Add you voice. Get involved: We are seeking community members to get involved in future projects/events.
Dorrigo Community Centre
36 Hickory Street, Dorrigo NSW 2453