2025 Minnow State Titles

Victorian Minnow Championship 2025
Parkdale Yacht Club
22-23 February 2025
Terms and Conditions:
It is the competitor’s decision to enter or to start and continue in any race. Competitors shall accept that their participation is at their exclusive risk in every respect. By way of entry competitors shall indemnify the Organising Authority (Parkdale Yacht Club) and the Minnow Sailing Association, their officers, members, servants and agents in respect to all claims and demands of whatever nature which may be made upon them in connection with or howsoever arising from their participation or intended participation. The Organising Authority and the Minnow Sailing Association, their officers, members, servants and agents accept no responsibility in respect of loss of life, personal injury or loss or damage to property which may be sustained by reason of their participation or intended participation in the Regatta or howsoever arising in connection with the Regatta.
In participating in the Regatta, a competitor grants to the Organising Authority, the Minnow Sailing Association and the sponsors of the Regatta, the right in perpetuity, to make, reproduce, edit, use and show, from time to time and at their discretion, any motion pictures, still pictures and live, taped or film television and other reproductions of him/ her taken during the period of the Regatta and to use his / her likeness, voice, name and any other information in any material related to the Regatta without compensation.
In entering this regatta, the competitor agrees to the conditions set out in the Notice of Race.