Lisa King on Meaning, Purpose and Curiosity: Revolutionary Perspectives for Understanding and Healing Trauma (1).
Understanding trauma, and effectively healing trauma requires revolutionary perspectives of what it means to be human. Lisa King will challenge therapists to step away from their text books and out of their clinics to strip off the vestiges of pathologising power. This webinar demands that we turn current notions of mental illness on their heads. We must recognise symptoms of trauma and survival responses, often given labels like borderline personality disorder or bipolar disorder, as simply evidence of harmful experiences that need to be understood and given new meaning to heal.
In this webinar, Lisa will explore the impact of pathologising, dehumanising and disempowering discourse on public mental health, and the necessary therapeutic ethical stance to adopt to heal and empower traumatised clients. Loving curiosity, responsibility, kindness, compassion, playfulness, and perhaps one of the biggest superpowers – critical reflection, are considered essential tools necessary for destigmatising and healing symptoms associated with diagnoses such as dissociative identity disorder, and eating disorders.
Venue: Live Webinar (Zoom registration required. Please check your booking confirmation email).
Date: Wednesday, 18th June, 2025
Time: 6.30 p.m. to 8.00 p.m. (Sydney/Melbourne/Canberra Time)
Cost: Free (Live Webinar Only)
$9.99 (Live Webinar &/or Access to Recording for 30 days)
CPD: 1.5 hours. 80% attendance of live webinar required.
About Lisa King: Lisa is an accredited mental health social worker, psychotherapist, and author of Finding My Invisible Sun: Overcoming Trauma. Lisa has lived experience of trauma (childhood sexual abuse), mental illness and institutionalised discrimination. Lisa has practised therapy for 15 years: 11 years within the D&FV prevention service and 4 years as an accredited mental health social worker. Prior to practising therapy, Lisa taught English, history, and drama to secondary school students and transitioned to teaching students with special needs. As a self-professed idealist and opportunistic dissident intellectual, Lisa encourages people to grasp every opportunity to challenge the status quo.
About eiseEducation: eiseEducation delivers exceptional webinars, short courses, and professional development training to the mental health, social services & community services sector across Australia & New Zealand. Findout more at