A Dance Among the Hazel Trees - Retreat

A Dance Among the Hazel Trees is an opportunity to spend time with the writings of a little-known group of women mystics from the thirteenth century. The beguines were a lay movement of women who created community without taking the vows of a religious order. Throughout the weekend we will delve into the writings of Hadewijch of Brabant, Mechthild of Magdeburg and Marguerite Porete to discover their relevance for our lives today.Cathie Lambert is a spiritual director, the Program Director for Dayspring and a Uniting Church minister working in education and formation. She is passionate about life on the edges of the institutional church and her doctoral thesis explored how contemporary women in these spaces responded to the lives and works of the beguine mystics of the thirteenth century. Cathie enjoys leading people in creative and contemplative ways to discover where God may be stirring in their lives.
Friday 18 July 2025 3:30 PM - Sunday 20 July 2025 1:00 PM (UTC+08)Location
St John of God Retreat Centre
47 Gloucester Crescent, Shoalwater WA 6169