VENUE: Shedley Theatre, Elizabeth Civic Centre, Elizabeth
CONTACT DETAILS: Sue Gilbert, mobile 0402 972 437
Email: comedycapersgangshow.tickets@gmail.com
Website: www.comedycapersgangshow.org.au
Comedy Capers Gang Show is a non profit performing arts group proudly associated as part of Scouts Australia (SA Branch) and is currently in its 60th consecutive year of production.Celebrating our Diamond Anniversary.
Comedy Capers Gang Show is a pioneer of Northern area theatrical variety show offering live music, singing, acting and dance performed by the youth members of Scouts Australia (SA Branch) and Girl Guides SA. Our mission is to promote the aims, principals, goals and values of scouting through the arts.
“The aim of Scouting is to encourage the physical, intellectual, social, emotional and spiritual development of young people so that they take a constructive place in society as responsible citizens, and as a member of their local, national and international communities.”
The show is produced, directed and technically operated by a group of volunteer adult members of Scouts SA, and performed over a two week period after a sixteen week rehearsal schedule. The show is supported by an additional compliment of some one hundred volunteers fulfilling such positions of band, technical, set construction and administrative roles.
The show uses an assortment of original and commercial music played by our live band along with sketch and dialogue written by other participating national shows and also within our own members.
So, make sure you come along and enjoy, not only the theatre-craft and fantastic performance our Scout and Guides have developed throughout the season, but also see the amazing abilities of the many talented individuals behind the scenes, with fabulous costumes, lighting, stage sets and props and our dynamic live band to name a few. See you at Comedy Capers Gang Show!
Programs can be pre-purchased with your booking.
Once you have chosen your preferred performance, and have entered all your details, Name, Phone , email etc. Dont click purchase yet.
To the right is the Your Cart, scroll to the bottom of the cart and click on > Buy more tickets this will take you back a screen and you can add programs to your order. You can also purchase tickets for more than 1 performance as well.
Elizabeth Civic Centre
Playford Boulevard
Elizabeth, SA 5116
Sue Gilbert 0402 972 437 comedycapersgangshow.tickets@gmail.com