CMA / CTK Martial Arts Lessons Term 1 - 2025

Secure your child's place for the Term 1 Martial Arts lessons at CTK, hosted by CMA.
Please enter your child's name and year into the booking for our records. You will be sent an email with a link to an online waiver that needs to be completed prior to the first class.
Sessions will run on the following dates:
12, 19, 26 February, 5, 12 March
5 weeks in total. There will unfortunately not be an opportunity to do a make up class if your child cannot make one of the sessions.
These are to run on CTK's grass turfed area from 3:00pm to 4:00pm.
Cost of the 5 sessions will be $180.
No equipment is needed by the children, just wear comfortable clothing (school uniform is fine). Classes will cover principles from a range of Martial Arts, with a focus on self protection, situational awareness, and lessons on how to be a better human in all parts of our life.
All payments must be received by Monday 10th February.
Please enter your child's name and year into the booking for our records. You will be sent an email with a link to an online waiver that needs to be completed prior to the first class.
Sessions will run on the following dates:
12, 19, 26 February, 5, 12 March
5 weeks in total. There will unfortunately not be an opportunity to do a make up class if your child cannot make one of the sessions.
These are to run on CTK's grass turfed area from 3:00pm to 4:00pm.
Cost of the 5 sessions will be $180.
No equipment is needed by the children, just wear comfortable clothing (school uniform is fine). Classes will cover principles from a range of Martial Arts, with a focus on self protection, situational awareness, and lessons on how to be a better human in all parts of our life.
All payments must be received by Monday 10th February.
Christ The King Catholic School
7 Randolph Street, Graceville Qld 4075
Contact Details