2025 College tours

KSC College tours
Exploring options on your child’s future education is very important. At Koonung Secondary College, we welcome prospective parents and students to view our College in action. There will be an opportunity to speak to school leaders, teaching staff and students to experience the vibrant community at Koonung in our daily setting. Tours will commence at 9:15am.
Please report to the administration office (entry from Box Hill Crescent is recommended) in the new building a few minutes prior to the start of each tour.
Please note that tours in Term 1 will be focussing on Grade 6 students. There will be opportunities to tour the College in Terms 2-4 for all other year levels.
To reserve a place on a tour click on the calendar option.
Koonung Secondary College
68 Box Hill Crescent, Mont Albert North Victoria 3129