David Quirk & Carl Donnelly - Comedy Festival WIPs

David QuirkAnother Quirk in Progress. David Quirk has been twerking his new show into form to make it just so, but it needs to fly in the face of lovely, sympathetic members of the public well before the Melbourne International Comedy Festival in what we in the industry crudely call a “trial show”. Please do come, it’s actually already pretty decent.
Carl Donnelly
Join UK comedian Carl Donnelly for a work in progress of an all new stand up show about how his 2024 was a series of unfortunate events. Tales of internally bleeding on a cruise ship, colonoscopies and his Amazon Alexa speaker staging an intervention (plus more). Come and see how this all has the makings of a funny show!
Club Voltaire
14 Raglan St, , North Melbourne VIC 3051