Trinity College - Class of 2015
10 Year Reunion
Saturday 19th July 2025
from 3pm School Tour (starting at Senior School)
Please meet behind Senior School - near the Waldeck Oval and Senior School Staff car park
Signage will be around indicating tour starting point
*Please do not park at Central Admin as there is no access through to Senior for this event*
Tour will include Senior School, TICS (Trinity Innovation & Creativity School), North School,
Marnkutyi Parirna Theatre, South School then conclude at the Pavilion
After the conclusion of the tour, you will either be:
a) invited to stay for drinks at the Pavilion (Greening Drive, Evanston South) to cheer on
the Trinity Old Scholars Football club's home match
EFTPOS available - Bar Facilities open with drinks available for purchase
b) invited to a Gawler venue - drinks purchased at own expense
Location be advised closer to the event date (to be notified in June 2025)
Register now to come along on the school tour and meet up later for a 'happy hour'
RSVP before Monday July 14th 2025
Partners welcome
Event to conclude onsite by 5pm
Melissa Hardy, Old Scholars Officer
Ph: 8523 8151 oldscholars@trinity.sa.edu.au