Celebrating 18 Productions in 35 Years
“The Final Hours” is a theatrical presentation of the last few hours of Jesus’ life.
As always, it will be performed at the College during Holy Week.
Damascus College
1412 Geelong Rd
Mt Clear, Vic 3350
Damascus College Ph: (03) 5337 2222 Email: info@damascus.vic.edu.au
Please note:
Due to limited tickets available at each performance (2 per event), it would be much appreciated if you please book only one performance, and not mulitple performances. This will allow the maximum amount of people to experience the show.
In the event of inclement weather, performances may be cancelled.
As this event primarily takes place outdoors, patrons are advised to wear warm clothing and sturdy shoes.
During this event, patrons will be required to navigate stairs, bush tracks and undulating terrain.
Tickets are recommended for ages 10 and above. The Final Hours includes emotional themes and a depiction of Jesus' crucifixion.
Entry by ticket only. Your kind donation to Project Compassion will be collected at the door of the auditorium.