An Audience With - Chris Hammer

Chris Hammer is a leading Australian crime fiction author.His novels have been praised for their sense of place, their intricate plots, their colourful characters and their emotional depth.
All of his crime novels are best sellers, and all have won or been shortlisted for major prizes.
The Valley is his seventh crime fiction novel, published in October 2024. Chris has also written two non-fiction books published by Melbourne University Press. An new edition of The River (MUP – 2010) will be published in 2025.
His first crime fiction novel Scrublands was an instant bestseller and winner of the prestigious UK Crime Writers Association’s New Blood Dagger.
The television adaptation of Scrublands has screened worldwide, including on STAN in Australia and the BBC in the UK. The next season, based on Silver, has finished filming and will screen in early 2025.
His fifth book, The Tilt, was recently named as The London Times Crime Book of the Year for 2023.
Wednesday 25 June 2025 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM (UTC+10)Location
Bardon Bowls Club
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