Writing Life Stories with Sue Gunningham

Sue Gunningham was a teacher and lecturer, and is an avid writer across all genres. Her articles, poems, monologues and short stories have appeared in various anthologies, newspapers and magazines. Sue regularly delivers writing workshops and author talks.Memoir writing is a personal passion of Sue’s. Her first full-length memoir, 'All the Days After' (published 2015), tracks the 12 months following her partner’s death in the 2009 Black Saturday bushfires. Her second memoir 'Waldene - Love in the Shadows' (2020) describes the couple’s eighteen year romance.
Come along and learn how to write your own memoirs with Sue!
No experience required, but please bring own writing materials (pen/paper or ipad)
Workshops are FREE, bookings are essential.
Saturday 8 March, 11am- 12:30pm -- Open to ALL - Celebrating International Women's Day, write about yourself, or a woman who has impacted, influenced, or inspired you.
Wednesday 19 March, 6:30pm - 8:00pm - 'Women and Wine' writing workshop
International Women's Day workshop - Women & Wine - writing workshopLocation
Ivanhoe Library & Cultural Hub
275 Upper Heidelberg Road, Ivanhoe VIC 3079