TGSS presents:

Written by Lucy Kirkwood
Directed by Bella Wheatland
An Amateur Production By Arrangement with ORiGiN™ Theatrical, on behalf of Nick Hern Books
23rd, 24th, 25th, 26th April 7:30pm
Little Theatre
University of Adelaide
‘The idea that all of this will end in a catastrophe over which we have no power, that’s a given, that is a familiar and strangely comforting fact’
Geneva, 2008. Alice is a scientist. She spends her days doing the most exciting scientific work of her life. Jenny is her sister. She spends her days Googling and worrying. While Alice's work on the Large Hadron Collider threatens possible destruction of the universe, her family life is falling apart already. With a grieving Jenny’s sudden arrival back into Alice’s world in Geneva, both sisters are forced to reckon with their perceptions of what is order and what is chaos, what is knowable and what is uncertain.
Mosquitoes is a play about families and particle physics. Personal and cosmic tragedy. Our (lack of) belief in each other and in our universe.
Starring: Atticus Chave, Henry Chipperfield, Lily Koch, Amy Liew, Ashi Mashoof, Lily Watkins and Airlie Windle
CONTENT WARNINGS: Child death, ableist language, racist language, suicide attempt, excessive drinking, excessive smoking, sexual references, swearing, vomiting
General Admission: $15
Concession: $10
Tickets can also be purchased at the door, subject to availability.
Wednesday 23rd April, 7:30pm
Thursday 24th April, 7:30pm
Friday 25th April, 7:30pm
Saturday 26th April, 7:30pm
Little Theatre, University of Adelaide
The Cloisters, Gate 10, Victoria Drive, Adelaide
Kaurna Yarta
Train, tram and bus services are available nearby. Please allow extra time for parking, especially when there is an event on at Adelaide Oval or Botanic Park.
'Experimental and progressive student theatre at the University of Adelaide.'
TGSS acknowledges the traditional custodians of this land, the Kaurna people, and pay respect to elders past and present.