Fairy Tale Courtroom Auditions

General Information
Eltham Little Theatre ‘s youth show for 2025 is Fairy Tale Courtroom, written by Dana Proulx, Directed by Carol Owen. It will be performed in July between 5th and the 20th. Saturday shows at 1 PM and 5 PM and Sunday matinees at 1 PM
Fairy Tale Courtroom Synopsis
Both the Wolf and the Witch have been frolicking from fairy tale tofairy tale wreaking havoc as they try to prevent the general public fromliving happily ever after.
Hear the personal accounts of what happened, told in testimonies andflashback sequences, from characters such as Snow White, Dorothy,Sleeping Beauty, the Three Pigs, Little Red Riding Hood and manyothers, including the Witch and the Wolf themselves, as each trialunfolds. And before it all ends, you the audience will cast your vote... asour jury.
Character Information
For all those between the ages of 10 and 18 who are looking to do some acting (without having to sing and dance) then Eltham Little Theatre’s FAIRY TALE COURTROOM may be just the production you are looking for. It’s a comedy to entertain both children and parents alike.
Although this is a story of Fairy Tale characters and aimed at anaudience of children, don’t be tricked into thinking the performance ischildish. This comedy, as with all comedies, requires skill and timing tomake it work as a performance.
What I’ll be looking for is enthusiastic, bright participants who want toexpand their acting skills and experience, who are ready to listen andare not afraid of hard work to get it right.
There are a myriad of roles and characters on offer and large and smallparts to suit all abilities. All roles have lines to perform. If you have theinterest and the passion to act on stage but never had the opportunitythen this is your chance. Regardless of what you’ve done (or haven’tdone) before now, you are welcome to audition.
Most who make it into the cast will be asked to play 2 roles.
Roles to be filled:
- Judge - Bailiff - Clerk (only a hand is seen) - District Attorney 1
- District Attorney 2 - Wolf - Defence Attorney - Witch
- Granny - Little Pigs 1, 2 and 3 - Lil Red - Dorothy
- Sleeping Beauty - Snow White - Badger - Gretel - Hansel
- Scarecrow - Prince - Mirror - Boy who Cried Wolf
- 7 Dwarfs - Chef
About your Audition
Audition sessions will be held in groups of 5 participants with each audition session consisting of 3 parts.
• Warm up of voice and body – looking for enthusiastic participationin this section.
• Monologue presentation – a small monologue to be recited (one of the three below) . I encourage you to test your memory and ability to self-learn (I will have copies of the monologues with me)
• A script read with the other participants in your session – the script below will be used on the day Take time to familiarise yourselfwith it and think how you would make each character memorable.You may be asked to read any or all of the characters with your fellow auditionees. Scripts provided on the day.
Information on your monologue choices and script excerpts can be found at: www.elthamlittletheatre.org.au
For any questions please contact youth@elthamlittletheatre.org.au
Eltham Performing Arts Centre
1603 Main Road, Research Victoria 3095