A SECRET and Understanding challenging behaviour-Wangaratta
For educators, carers and parents of children in EC and Primary / OSHC settings; and any professionals working with them.A SECRET - Explains our eight sensory systems, and how our responses to them impact our emotional and sensory regulation levels. Highlights the challenges in EC/ school settings for children who have strong reactions to sensory input and need support to regulate themselves. Practical strategies and opportunities for reflection are offered.
Understand the child, understand the challenging behaviour - Based on the globally recognised Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) model, and reflecting on Dr Ross Greene’s observation that ‘Children will do well if they can’ . Explores the communication purposes/ functions of challenging behaviour, and acknowledges that the child often uses challenging behaviour to replace a ‘lagging skill’, which will need to be taught if the behaviour is to change.
Wangaratta Club
4 Victoria Parade, Wangaratta Vic 3677