2023 Sacred Ancestral Clearing and DNA Healing
🧬The Sacred Ancestral Clearing and DNA Healing is a powerful and profound process of working with Spirit, Energetic Alchemy, Hypnosis, Timeline Therapy, and NLP to create the most unique and pure wave of healing throughout an entire bloodline.Experience of traumas, patterns of abuse, limitations, negative emotions, and limiting belief systems all travel down through generations via the DNA as cellular memory.
So often we see patterns coming through like alcoholism, trauma, disease, abuse, racism, fear, sexual trauma, mental illness, anxiety, addictions, depression, suicide, drug addiction, weight gain, and financial issues.
Using the Principles of Timeline Therapy, NLP, and a Hypnotic Trance, you are then transported back to CONCEPTION where we start to energetically repair your DNA, whilst reprogramming the unconscious mind with all the positive emotions, traits, beliefs, and learnings you need for success!
Longbeach Place
15 Chelsea Rd, Chelsea Victoria 3196