For information about this event, please contact the "Event Organiser".
Patrons must not attend if they are sick or have visited a known hot-spot in the past 14 days, or been in contact with a suspected or known case or someone who is waiting for test results.
Refunds or exchange of tickets will be available to any customer who has developed any COVID-19 symptoms after the purchase of tickets, or who has come into contact with anyone who is symptomatic or is a confirmed case.
Patrons acknowledge that while the Venue has taken all reasonable health and safety precautions to keep the audience, staff and performers safe, patrons enter the Venue at their own risk without recourse to claim against the Venue regarding health outcomes.
TryBooking is an online system for organisations and community groups that has been designed to look after the entire event ticketing and registration needs.
All issues relating to the sale of tickets and the hosting of their associated event(s) are the responsibility of the “Event Organiser” and not that of TryBooking Pty Ltd (Australian Business Number 71126987915).
Please visit for our terms and conditions.