Photography Maitland Libraries may contract a photographer/s and/or videographer to capture still and moving vision from the event for future promotional use. By registering for this event, you grant Maitland City Council the irrevocable and unrestricted right and permission to use any photographic or file images and voice recordings of you, or in which you may be included during your participation of this event for any lawful purpose including publicity, illustration advertising or digital and web content, including social media platforms. You acknowledge Maitland City Council may provide the photographic or film images and voice recordings to third parties for use as part of activities or functions associated with Local Government. If you do not wish to grant this permission to Maitland City Council, please notify us by contacting Ticketing 1. The ticket for the event, performance, activity or venue (the event) is sold/booked through Maitland City Council, on behalf of the organisation promoting and responsible for the event (responsible organisation) and is subject to any and all conditions applicable to the event. All correspondence about the event should be made to the responsible organisation. 2. The right is reserved to vary advertised programmes and to add, withdraw or substitute artists and facilities and reschedule performances as necessary. 3. The right of admission is reserved and is subject to the responsible organisation’s and venue’s terms of admission. 4. Latecomers may only be admitted where/if possible at a suitable break in the event and is subject to the responsible organisation’s and venue’s terms of admission. No refunds will be given due to late arrival. 5. All booking cancellations must be made in line with these terms and conditions. 6. Payment in full is required for all paid events and workshops and payment must be made through booking site. Cash payments are unfortunately not accepted currently. 7. If you've signed up for an event or workshop but can no longer attend, please promptly cancel your tickets. Doing so will open spots for others who wish to enrol. 8. Tickets cannot be resold without authorization, which includes their use for advertising, promotion, or any other commercial purposes. Tickets found in breach of this condition may be cancelled without prior notice or refund. 9. Events, sessions, or workshops that are missed are not eligible for refunds, credits, or rescheduling. Face-to-face programs cannot accept additional participants due to health and safety concerns. Refunds Reservations for paid events or workshops may qualify for a refund if cancelled up to 7 days prior to the commencement date. However, cancellations within 7 days of the event start date will not be reimbursed. After this date, if you are unable to attend the event, you can transfer a ticket to a friend. This will need to be completed through the organiser to ensure the ticket is transferred correctly to the new participant. Library staff would be happy to assist you with this process. While our cancellation policy is strictly upheld, exceptions for extenuating circumstances may be considered on an individual basis. Should the event be cancelled by the organisers, refunds will be provide to all participants in line with Council’s refund process. For Parents and Caregivers: We want to emphasize that we do not accept responsibility for unattended or unsupervised children during library events and workshops. While our staff members will provide care and attention to all event attendees, they are unable to supervise children or serve as substitutes for childcare.
TryBooking is an online system for organisations and community groups that has been designed to look after the entire event ticketing and registration needs.
All issues relating to the sale of tickets and the hosting of their associated event(s) are the responsibility of the “Event Organiser” and not that of TryBooking Pty Ltd (Australian Business Number 71126987915).
Please visit for our terms and conditions.