As part of this program, and if you have provided your consent, we will be collecting information about your child. This includes data about eating habits and food intake. The data will help inform the future direction of research and activities that support children to establish healthy eating habits and develop a healthy relationship with food.
This information sheet is provided to explain the project and the extent of your potential involvement.
Fuelling Everybody Every Day (FEED) is a food and nutrition education program based on a positive learning model and utilising food play and experiential learning. The program aims to improve the health outcomes of participating ACT children and young people living with atypical or disordered eating behaviours, who have limited food preferences which impact on their ability to consume a wide variety of healthy foods especially vegetables. The goal of the program is to increase consumption of nutritious foods, especially vegetables.
The program involves participating in a total of eight (8) sessions with a duration between 60-90 mins. These sessions will be delivered weekly, during the school term. The program will be delivered at Chifley Health and Wellbeing Hub, Chifley.
Information collected from your participation in the project will inform the potential benefits to child health and nutrition that such a project can offer.
• You and your child will be asked to participate in 8 face-to-face group sessions. Sessions will occur weekly and run for approximately 90 mins.
• During the sessions, children, with the support of their parent/carer will engage with a variety of foods through role/pretend play elements which include going “shopping” for ingredients. You and your child will use the ingredients to prepare a dish in the kitchen and share the prepared meal, at the completion of each session.
• Sessions will be co-facilitated by an Accredited Practising Dietitian (APD) and Occupational Therapist (OT)/ Play Therapist. The APD will attend each session. The OT/Play Therapist will attend the initial session, mid-session, and end session to encourage positive engagement with food using pretend play, creative play, and filial therapy.
• You will be provided with a kit of basic resources (e.g., suitable utensils, apron, and information booklet with recipes, food ideas and home strategies) that will enable positive food experiences at home.
• Prior to commencing the first session, you will undertake a pre-program survey that will collect information about your child’s interest in food and eating behaviours, current food intake and barriers for food exposure. We will also capture data about your and/or your child’s confidence with food prep skills. After the final session, you will be asked to complete a similar post-survey and be given an opportunity to provide feedback about the program. The surveys are estimated to take no more than 5 minutes to complete.
Follow up:
• Three months after completion of the program, you will be invited to undertake an online post-program questionnaire that will provide follow-up information about either you or child’s food intake, eating behaviour and food exposure. The questionnaire is estimated to take 5 minutes to complete. This will help us to identify any sustainable dietary changes and eating behaviours that may have occurred because of taking part in the Fuelling Everybody Every Day. Regardless of how many phases you participate in, you may still be invited to participate in the 3-month follow up survey.
Is participation voluntary?
• Participation in this research is entirely voluntary.
• If you decide to consent and then later change your mind, you can withdraw your participation at any time without prejudice.
• Data obtained up until the time you withdraw may still be used in the research, unless you request otherwise.
What are the benefits of taking part?
• This project will help provide an opportunity to improve eating habits and nutritional intake for yourself and/or your children.
• This project can inform future research in effective ways at exposing children to new and healthy foods who experience atypical eating behaviours.
How will my privacy be protected?
• Any data provided by you may be published in journal articles, reports and/or proceedings but you and/or your child will not be identified as the source. While it is not possible in this study to collect anonymous data, the data collected will be de-identified by using a numerical code to ensure that confidentiality is preserved.
How will I get to know what were the findings generated from this study?
• The 3-month follow up survey will indicate an option (Yes, I would like to receive a summary of the findings generated from this study). If you select this option, you will be emailed a copy of ‘summary of findings’ at the end of the study period.
Who do I contact if I want more information?
• If you would like to discuss any aspect of this study, please contact Amanda Borowski on 02 6162 2583 or at
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