Crown Crew (Years 7-9)

Hip Hop danceBecome a part of the Crown Crew and unlock the power of dance and fitness with hip hop!
Led by tutor Caitlin Peetz from our popular Years 1-6 Co-Curricular Programme, this engaging course combines energetic aerobic routines with creative dance moves. Crown Crew is designed to boost physical fitness, enhance coordination and develop students' cognitive skills.
This course is for everyone, from beginners to students who have taken Caitlin's hip hop classes before. It offers a fun and supportive environment to hone hip hop skills and a chance to de-stress and burn off energy. Become a hip hop queen and dance your way to better wellbeing with Crown Crew!
Wear comfortable sports clothes and shoes. Bring a water bottle
WHEN: Thursday 3.45pm-4.45pm
DURATION: Week 5 to Week 11 (7 classes)
COST: $100 per term
QMC Classroom - C9
53 Hobson Street, Queen Margaret College, THORNDON 6011