Classical Comedy Burlesque With Kiki Kisses (Dunedin)
Join us for a unique experience that blends the sophistication of classical burlesque with the timeless allure of comedy. Kiki Kisses, a seasoned performer with a penchant for humor, brings her expertise to Dunedin for an exclusive 90-minute class. Whether you're a seasoned burlesque performer or a beginner exploring the world of glamour and tease, this class promises to add a delightful twist to any performance.What to expect?
A dynamic blend of theory and practice, designed to help you integrate comedy into your next performance along with a new routine!
Who should attend?
This class is open to all levels of performers, from those taking their first steps onto the burlesque stage to seasoned professionals looking to add a touch of comedy to their repertoire. Embrace the opportunity to explore the lighter side of burlesque and discover how humor can elevate your performance to new heights.
Unleash your inner comedic goddess and leave your audience wanting more!
Rasa School of Dance
King Edward Court Building, Stuart Street, Dunedin 9016