Baroness |Alexandra

Off the back of their sell-out season in Dunedin Fringe, and the New Zealand International Comedy Festival, Late Bloomers is bringing you their newest show!What would you do if you became the richest woman in the world overnight? Multi-award winning comedian Marea Colombo tells the tale of Angela Burdett-Coutts, the greatest Baroness you’ve never heard of. In a unique take on stand-up comedy, Baroness will be a chaotic and critical analysis of the state of the world. Because you know what they say – mo’ money, mo’ problems.
Previous awards include:
Outstanding Performer, Dunedin Fringe Festival 2023
Most Promising Emerging Company, NZ Fringe Festival 2023
NZ Fringe Tour Ready Award, Dunedin Fringe Festival 2022
Central Stories
21 Centennial Avenue, Alexandra 9320