CannaPosium - Cannabis education for all - Oct 7th/8th

We are almost at full capacity for the CannaPosium - bookings available till October 2nd.Oct 7th - 8.30 start with Chloe Swarbrick then the Endocannabinoid System, Accessing cannabis for chemotherapy and Therapeutic Use of Cannabis in New Zealand.
Oct 8th - 8.30 start with Botany of the Cannabis plant, Cannabis as an Exit Drug, Cannabis and woman's health, Cannabinoids and brain health.
Pearl Schomburg will be on Saturday’s panel discussing Better Cannabis Law – how we got in this mess and how we get out of it - alongside Wendy Allison – Founder of Know your Stuff and Geoff Noller – anthropologist and cannabis researcher from Otago university.
On the Sunday we are fortunate to include on the panel Tadhg Stopford from the Hemp Foundation, Porou Tawhiwhirangi from E3C and Wendy Allison. They will discuss the food grade market and how we regulate this area to improve patient safety for unwell and vulnerable patients in our cannabis community.
Surrey Hotel
465 Great North Road , Grey Lynn, Auckland 1021