Thomas Ashton Institute Lecture 2024

A world of risk: the unheard voices and what we can learn from them.
The Lloyd’s Register Foundation World Risk Poll is the first global study of worry about, and harm from, risks to people’s safety. The latest edition includes the views of more than 145,000 people in 143 countries.
From safety at work to artificial intelligence, climate change and resilience: come and find out how the world perceives risk, and how this data is being used to help make the world a safer place.
Guest Speaker: Dr Ruth Boumphrey, CEO Lloyds Register Foundation.
Date: Thursday 20th June 2024 @4pm (BST) - registration from 3.30pm, followed by a reception from 5.30 – 7pm.
Venue: Lecture Theatre SLG.12, Samuel Alexander Building
University of Manchester
Oxford Rd
M13 9PL
An option to join the lecture online is also available.
If you require a personal emergency evacuation plan (PEEP) to attend this lecture in person, please email to discuss further.
Ruth is Chief Executive of Lloyd's Register Foundation. She has a background in research, development and regulation primarily in the Space and Environmental sectors. She is a trustee of the National Oceanography Centre and Non-Executive Director at the UK Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Sciences. She is on the Board for Engineering X; the advisory board for Resilience Rising; and is a commissioner with the National Preparedness Commission
Location - online option also available
SLG.12 Samuel Alexander Building, University of Manchester
Oxford Rd, Manchester, Greater Manchester M13 9PL