Restore-Nurture-Create weekend at Rookhow
Danny English from We Be Kids will facilitate some storytelling around the campfire and lead us in some all age woodland games. Annie Trevana will start the day with some yoga. A local artist will show us how to do Ecoprinting using the nature in Quakers' Wood. We'll share some songs and poems.
Friday 11th October 4pm to Sunday 13th October 1pm 2024
We hope this event will bring together local friends and Rookhow supporters locally and from across the UK.
This is a weekend for people of all generations- children and young people are welcome as are octogenarians! Under 18s must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.
Come prepared for all weathers. No dogs.
SUGGESTED DONATION towards the running of the event: £75 per person. £40 for aged 21 and under.
A larger donation will enable those on lower incomes to join us. If you are able to Gift Aid your donation, please do so.Places will be offered on a first come, first served basis. Space for 30 people to stay: bunkbarn, yurt, Meeting House floor and camping. Please ntoe that the sleeping areas may be mixed gender. Please tell us where you'd like to sleep- we want everyone to feel comfortable and at ease.
You will also be asked to bring some food/ prepare a meal for everyone (we will let you know nearer the time what to bring).
There will be a Quaker Meeting for Worship on the Sunday 10.30am and Epilogues on the 2 evenings which we hope everyone will take part in. You don’t have to be a Quaker to join us. All are welcome.
Rookhow, Colton, Ulverston, LA12 8LA
Contact Details