SPPS Early Career year 1 three day training programme

PLEASE BOOK THE FIRST DATE - 9.10.24 TO SECURE YOUR PLACE FOR ALL THREE DATES - 9.10.24, 4.2.25, 12.6.25Please arrive at 9 am for refreshments. We will begin at 9.15 am. Lunch is provided. Please provide dietary needs when booking.
• Develop a network of local people at the same career stage as you
• Further develop confidence in your abilities as a class teacher
• Know better where to go for more help/strategies/resources etc through sharing tips
• Further develop an understanding and application of elements of strong quality first teaching:
use of the environment for learning,
behaviour management and change,
behaviour for learning,
high quality questioning and modelling
managing cognitive overload
providing effective feedback
• Adaptive teaching to meet the needs of the lowest 20% of pupils
• Gain a greater understanding of the application of neuroscience in quality first teaching
• Gain more specific knowledge for PE and Science teaching
The New Beacon School (the Studio - sign in at the Studio)
Brittains Lane, Sevenoaks, Kent TN13 2PB