SPPS Deepening Leadership 3 day Programme

PLEASE BOOK THE FIRST DATE - 21.1.25 TO SECURE YOUR PLACE FOR ALL THREE DATES - 21.1.25, 4.3.25, 19.6.25Please arrive at 9 am for refreshments. We will begin at 9.15 am. Lunch is provided. Please provide dietary needs when booking.
Facilitated by Helen Jones (Consultant) and Andrew Reid (Headteacher).
Suitable for experienced middle leaders and newer senior leaders. There are two optional intersessional activities.
The course includes aspects of leadership relating to school culture and leading change:
• Gaining insight from one another in similar roles
• Exploring and understanding your leadership competencies; audit, reflections and next steps
• An overview of the implications of the Ofsted Framework for curriculum review and development
• Managing difficult conversations
• Change management for school improvement
• Time management
• Effective team development
• Strategies for developing school wide psychological safety
• An introduction to using coaching techniques
Amherst School
Witches Lane, Riverhead, Sevenoaks, Kent TN13 2AX