Subject Leaders’ Twilight (all Foundation Subjects)

St Edmunds CE Primary School West KingsdownTUESDAY 1st October 2024
4 pm for 4.15 to 5.15 pm
The idea behind this meeting is that as many staff as possible come to this meeting to jump start some Foundation Subject local support networks.
The vision is to have as many Foundation Subject Leaders as possible meet at one time, firstly all together and then in subject groups with headteachers attending too either as subject leaders or to meet as a separate group. Teachers who lead several subjects will have to pick one for the meeting. The purpose is to start to make connections and agree some dates and agendas for subject leaders to meet online one or two times across the course of the year. The trustees recognise St Edmunds CE Primary School is not central which might make it challenging for staff to get there by 4 pm, but it has been chosen because there is a lot of room, both for meeting as a whole group and then for meeting in subject groups, plus ample parking.
St Edmunds CE Primary School, West Kingsdown
Fawkham Road, West Kingsdown, Kent TN15 6JP