OsClub 2024-2025
OsClub Behaviour Policy and Code of Conduct
Click here for our February Half Term activity programme.
OsClub is open to all children aged 5-11. Activities will include team games, crafts, sports, outdoor activities and swimming. If you have any questions please contact us via osclub@oswestryschool.com. Please remember a packed lunch (if the hot lunch provided is not preferred), water bottle and a snack to replenish energy after the swim session! (No nuts onsite please)
When you get to the payment area of the shopping basket, you will have the option to book more dates by selecting 'Buy more tickets' just above the TOTAL price. If you have two or more children, there is a 10% sibling discount. Please use the code sibling at the checkout and this will then be applied. We also accept payment by childcare voucher and HMRC tax-free childcare. Please use the code childcarevoucher at the checkout after entering any other discount codes to pay separately using childcare vouchers or your HMRC tax-free childcare account. We ask that you process payment via your childcare voucher scheme immediately after booking. Please note the total of your booking at checkout minus the booking fee if paying via childcare vouchers. Please email osclub@oswestryschool.com if you require any further information.
Please find the lunch menu choices below. Due to maintenance in our kitchens on Monday 17th February, we are offering a cold lunch option on this day. You will be asked to choose your option (main meal, meat free or bringing own packed lunch) at the point of booking. You will also be asked to confirm if there are any dietary requirements/allergies that we should be aware of. If there are any allergies/tolerances you must also complete the Food Allergy and Intolerance Notification Form for our caterers which is linked in your booking confirmation email. Any questions, please do not hesitate to email osclub@oswestryschool.com.
Oswestry School
Upper Brook Street, Oswestry, SY11 2TL