Life Project Curry Night

As the nights grow longer and colder it's time to warm yourself with our annual curry night.Our super chef's will be providing your supper and we know it is going to be a delicious treat. They know how to cook up a feast that will satisfy whether you prefer mild, medium or something with a bit of a kick.
Tickets are available in advance for £12 per person... with any profit after the food has been paid for coming to the Life Project. This is always a friendly, family event and a great opportunity to support our favourite charity!
Please book by the deadline of Tuesday 12th November (so we can arrange the catering).
We know a few people who are not in a position to book online. If this is you, please contact us at and we can reserve a space to enable you to pay in an alternative way (but it does help with organisation and catering if most people can book online).
Manvers Street Baptist Church
Manvers Street, Bath, BA1 1JW