Life Project Quiz Night 2025 (CANCELLED)

A wonderful chance for the Life Project community, friends and supporters to come together for some fun and friendly competition with one of Col's fact filled quizzes - both in person and online!This year we are going hi-tech... with a hybrid approach to our Quiz Night.
Not only can you organise a team to come together in person to enjoy the friendship, competition, banter, drinks from the bar, and of course the quiz itself, but we'll also be able to welcome teams from further afield to join us virtually.
How do I Register?
Whether you are planning to join us in person or online it helps with planning if you can register in advance. If you are putting a team together we only need one person to register the team and provide us with names of team members (we recommend 4-6 people). Invite your family, friends and colleagues and sign up as soon as possible via TryBooking.
I don't have a team?
If you would like to join in but need some extra people to make a full team or or will be attending alone and would like to join a team we are a friendly bunch and there will always be space, we will make you feel welcome and it is possible you will find yourself with a team of general knowledge know-it-alls and win.
How much does it cost?
Our quiz night is free to attend, but we do encourage donations to The Life Project (Bath). There will be opportunities to donate when you register and on the evening itself, we suggest a minimum donation of £3 per person or £12 per team. We know some teams like to have a little fun making their own rules such as 'donating £XXX for each question they get wrong'... others might feel more confident being able to afford each question they get right (we don't judge)!
Is there a prize?
Traditionally the Life Project Quiz has been played for fun... and the glory! In 2024 there was just 1/2 a point between 1st and 2nd place and that satisfaction has been enough to enjoy all year long, but will The Speilsters be knocked off the top spot in 2025?
What's next?
As we get closer to the quiz night the Team Captain (those who have registered on behalf of the team) will receive instructions via e-mail to make sure everyone knows what they need to do and to make sure we have all the necessary details (including team name and and last minute changes to team members) to welcome your team on the night.
For teams joining virtually we will be using Microsoft Teams and will send through joining details in the week preceding the quiz. You will need to arrange your own drinks and snacks.
For teams joining in person - come to Hampsett Cricket Club (Bloomfield Rise, Bath BA2 2BL) - there will be a bar with a range of drinks and snacks available to purchase.
When do I have to register by?
To help us to get everything sorted behind the scenes so the quiz runs as smoothly as possible, please aim to register as soon as possible, ideally by 1st February 2025 (but we are unlikely to turn you away if you are a late comer).
How does the quiz work?
- Hampsett Cricket Club will be open from about 6:30pm for teams to arrive, find a table, buy drinks, etc.
- The virtual doors of MS Teams will open about 6:45pm to enable us make sure all the technology is working.
- We are aiming for the Quiz to run from 7-9pm but past experience tells us we are wise to plan to run to 9:30pm.
- As close to 7pm as possible Quiz Master Col will explain each round and read through all questions (if you are joining virtually, stay on mute and don't answer yet).
- Teams will be given 10-15 minutes to answer questions. Online teams you will be sent into a team 'break out room' to discuss the answers confidentially.
- Following each round we will all come back together for answers (online teams are trusted to mark their own homework)
- We fit in as many rounds as possible... finishing somewhere between 9 and 9:30pm
Further Questions?
If you have any questions about the quiz night or how to register please email (but please note you are unlikely to receive a response between Christmas and New Year).
Anything Else?
Share details with your family, friends and colleagues (details are on our website and social media) ... the more teams the more fun the event becomes. As well as aiming to win the whole quiz you might want to compete against other specific teams consisting of people you know!
We are excited to see you and to crown the Life Project Quiz Champions 2025!
Hampset Cricket Club
Bloomfield Rise, Bath, BA2 2BL