FestiVOL 2023
Following last year’s successful launch of FestiVOL – an annual celebration of the local voluntary sector - it is our great pleasure to invite you to this year’s event. Organised by our team at Lancaster District CVS, this is an opportunity for voluntary sector organisations and partners to celebrate the amazing work of the last 12 months, look forward together to future successes, to network, and share experiences.Taking place in Morecambe at More Music on Monday 20th November, 9.30am – 4pm, this year’s event is also an opportunity to connect and explore new thinking and actions as we look ahead to the next five years. The voluntary sector will continue to play a vital role in the lives of local people and be a crucial partner in the district that provides essential services, supports community development, and promotes social justice.
On the day, we will be looking at successes, best practice, and development opportunities in the following areas of work. During booking, choose from two of the four.
Exploring intergenerational projects - bringing people of different ages together has amazing benefits for everyone involved. With an ageing population, intergenerational projects have the power to help reduce social isolation, mental and physical health, provide opportunities for knowledge and skills exchange, and strengthen community ties. In this workshop, discover how intergenerational projects are bringing communities together and expand your knowledge around this field of practice.
The power of social prescribing - social prescribing is a process by which individuals are helped to find non-clinical services in their community, such as groups, activities, advice sessions and other forms of support which could have an impact on their mental or physical health or aid them in dealing with problems they face. In this workshop, learn how social prescribing works, discover valuable tools, and discuss how social prescribing can tackle health inequalities, improve health and wellbeing and more.
Children and young people programs - the involvement of children and young people is of critical importance. We know they can thrive if the organisations that work with them are supported, resourced, recognised and connected, locally and nationally. In this workshop, hear more about young people partnerships and innovative programs that are supporting children and young people to flourish.
Volunteering in arts and culture - volunteering is essential to delivering services in the creative sector and in nurturing the next generation of artists and creatives from across the community. In this workshop, discover how volunteering embraces the magic of each individual and discuss how creative arts can be used to engage with communities as a catalyst to unlock our individual and collective potential.
What can I expect on the day?
Workshops, stalls, discussion, networking, good vibes, music, laughter and lunch! And remember to bring any information to hand out, about your organisation or group, so you can make connections. It is an opportunity to celebrate your successes as well as finding out what other organisations and groups are doing across Lancaster District.
Booking is essential. The cost for this event per person is £5 and includes lunch and refreshments.
Transport and parking
We encourage you to car share, use the train or other forms of public transport. Morecambe railway station is less than a mile away. There are a number of car parks in the area and free street parking nearby.
More Music
13 - 17 Devonshire Road, Morecambe, LA3 1QT