Dentistry Careers Interactive Workshop - Meducators UK
Join us on Saturday 11th November for a Dentistry Careers interactive workshop run by Meducators UK.
A practical opportunity to discover and develop the skills needed for dentistry and related careers including making impressions and composite fillings, and the pathways to qualification.
Presented by qualified dentists with recent experience of the application process and training.
Maximum capacity 45 places
The session starts at 9.15am, finishes at 12pm and is open to students in Years 9-13.
Please wear your PE kit, including tracksuit trousers, to this event.
Tickets are £68.50
A practical opportunity to discover and develop the skills needed for dentistry and related careers including making impressions and composite fillings, and the pathways to qualification.
Presented by qualified dentists with recent experience of the application process and training.
Maximum capacity 45 places
The session starts at 9.15am, finishes at 12pm and is open to students in Years 9-13.
Please wear your PE kit, including tracksuit trousers, to this event.
Tickets are £68.50
Gordon's School
Bagshot Road, West End, Woking, Surrey GU24 9PT
Contact Details