A Celebration of Simon & Garfunkel
A Celebration of Simon & Garfunkel performed LIVE by Tim Chu & Ian Bailey....."A stunning blend of observation, interpretation, and perfect vocal synergy."
" Tim and Ian moved between harmonies and shared vocals like a gestalt entity, with all the vocal nuances, dynamics and phrasing that make Simon & Garfunkel so unique while still finding their own take on the material. Absolutely FIRST CLASS!'
This is not a show setting out to try and be their heroes; it is pure and simple a celebration of the music that means so much to them. They capture the essence of Paul and Art without ever slipping into bad impressions.
check them out at....
www.classicsingersongwriters.co.uk/sandg or search on YouTube..
Armathwaite Old School Hall
Front Street (next to church), Armathwaite, Carlisle, Cumbria CA4 9PB