Looking Back; Leaping Forward - End of Year Reflection 2024 (CANCELLED)

As we reach the end of the year, it’s time to reflect on our achievements, challenges, and the path ahead. Join your leadership peers and Susan Coull (Coull Coaching) to take stock of our progress, celebrate our successes and think about what we want to achieve in the coming new year. This event will be an interactive opportunity for you to recharge, refocus and realign your goals for 2025.
We very much hope you can join us to network with leadership peers, share best practices and opportunities, learn, and be inspired by each other for a session of reflection and forward planning.
Susan Coull (Coull Coaching) is driven by her desire to help others grow and flourish. She is a qualified Coach from Henley Business School, Coach Supervisor (ILM Level 7) and accredited Trainer with the Chartered Management Institute (CMI). She is also a full Member of The Association for Coaching and has over 30 years Leadership & Management Development experience, working with people from the grass roots to the board room.
Online event access details will be provided by the event organiser