Trinity Proms 2024 - Picnic in the Park
The Trinity Proms, our picnic in the park, is the brilliant way that Trinity closes out the school year with a fabulous evening of music and fun! It is a family-friendly event with live music from great musicians and performers, refreshments, the Malawi charity student team, and a chance to bring the Trinity family together! We celebrate the end of the academic year while also raising funds on behalf of this year's chosen charity - Lives Not Knives.Now is the time to book your tickets! Full price tickets are £20 for adults and £10 for children.
It will be a great way to celebrate the Trinity community and a wonderful way to welcome those families who are joining us next year. If you personally know of any new families joining Trinity in September, do let them know that they are warmly invited.
Trinity School
Trinity School, Shirley Park, Croydon, Surrey CR9 7AT