The Coventry Story and the Cross of Nails
Using video, story and music, the Coventry Story is a virtual ‘son et lumière’. A journey that takes us from the 1940 Coventry blitz, the1982 sinking of HMS Coventry, to a 2020 ‘reunion’ in Buenos Aries. *Some of my film clips are from original 1940 Luftwaffe ariel footage, 1940 Pathe News, and MOD 1982 footage.The fast-moving route is via the downfall of Singapore, HMS Colossus, the destruction of Dresden, a child in
Nagasaki, and a cross of nails that was raised from 300 foot below the South Atlantic waves by RN
Clearance Divers. [That Cross of Nails recovered in 1982 is now carried by HMS Diamond]. As we transition a story spanning 80 years we find peace, new hope, and a challenge to our own daily journey.
Warminster Civic Centre
Sambourne Road, Warminster , Wiltshire BA12 8LB