Planning for Retirement Day, Chichester Clergy & Partners
Whether you are considering retiring in the coming months or years, this event aims to support you in discerning your way forward.
Gathering together in the beautiful surroundings of the Crowhurst Healing Centre near Battle, Bishop Will will offer an introduction to the day.
During the morning, The Bishops’ Chaplain for Retired Ministry, Simon Hobbs, will facilitate conversation about moving into this new season - such as, whether you want to continue your ministering in retirement, and how to maintain your physical and mental health and the challenges and opportunities all of this can bring. We will be joined by a couple who have retired from ministry, who will speak from experience.
After lunch, representatives from the Church of England Pensions Board, Housing Services, and Ecclesiastical Financial Advisory Services , will illuminate how to track and access your pensions, your housing options and wider financial planning
The day will conclude at 3:45pm.
4-5pm OPTIONAL EXTRA meet for a brief 1:1 with an representative from the Church of England Pensions Board, Housing Services, or Ecclesiastical Financial Advisory Services.
Refreshments and lunch are provided. Indicate any food allergies when reserving your place (next step). Please book 1 ticket per person attending i.e. if you are a couple attending, book 2 tickets.
Crowhurst Healing Centre
Forewood Lane, Crowhurst, Battle, Sussex TN33 9AD