Trees, Bats and Butterflies

As the school holidays draw to a close consider coming to our family friendly event run by the Sherwood Forest Trust at the Feel Good Gardens in Clipstone.
The cost is £5 per adult, children are free and light refreshments are included
From 10 am to 2pm there will be a variety of activities aimed at teachers, forest school leaders, parents and accompanied children. The day is hosted by Feel Good Gardens and members of our Network who are keen to share their skills and knowledge. The programme is as follows:
- 10am to 10.30 – Welcome and drink
- 10.30 to 11.00 – Growing Trees from seed / berries with Izzy. Each participant will be given a guide on propagating trees and advice on planting and looking after new trees.
- 11am to 11.30pm Bats with Katie – an overview of UK Bats and their lifecycle, how to identify and record bats, bat detectors, ideas on bat activities for Forest School.
- 11.30 to 11.45 drink, break and cake
- 11.45 to 12.30 Butterflies with Lynn – UK Butterflies, when and where to spot them, how to record them, the Big Butterfly Count, practical activity Hapa zome butterflies
- 12.30 Informal BYO picnic lunch. Guests free to do more hapa zome, tour the site, network, sit in the woods, or nip off home early
The site is next to Sherwood Pines, so you can make a day of it and explore further
Feel Good Gardens
Forestry Holdings, Kings Clipstone, Mansfield, Nottinghamshire NG21 9JL