Disabled students' Welcome Day 2024 (SOLD OUT)

This is your opportunity to find out the crucial stuff that you'll need to know for your first few weeks and months at university.You'll meet other new students, and members of the Disability Support and Mental Health and Wellbeing Teams, so you'll know who to come to if you need any advice or assistance during your time at the University. With a mixture of workshops and information stands, you'll also have the chance to find out about a range of topics, including:
Applying for Disabled Students' Allowances
Dyslexia (or other SpLD) support
Mentoring for students with mental health difficulties or Asperger's/autism. How does it help and what is it?
Transition to university
Other support services including the Students' Union
Also on offer will be free refreshments throughout the day, including a free lunch.
Birmingham City University
The Curzon Building, 4 Cardigan Street, Birmingham, B4 7BD