Chichester Diocese 2024 Walsingham Festival

The day will begin at 10:30 with a Sung Eucharist, presided at by Bishop Will Hazlewood, and be followed by informal talks, lunch, healing ministries and conclude with Benediction.
Everyone is invited to this day of Christian celebration which will explore how Mary's words in Luke's gospel 'My soul magnifies the Lord' can and should have a part in our own lives.
This year the event will take place at Boxgrove Priory.
Outline of the day
10:30 Solemn Mass
Celebrant: The Bishop of Lewes
Preacher: Dcn Rebecca Swyer
11:30 Tea and coffee
12:00 Talk 1 - Magnifying the Lord - Why?
12:45 Lunch*
13:45 Talk 2 - Magnifyng the Lord - How?
14:30 Healing ministries
15:15 Benediction
* A light lunch will be served for which there will be no charge, but donations will be gratefully received.
By car: parking is available at Boxgrove Primary school which is located on the opposite side of The Street opposite the Priory.
By public transport: There is a regular bus service which runs from the Chichester Bus Depot (situated opposte Chichester Railway Station) to Boxgrove.
Boxgrove Priory
The Street, Boxgrove, PO18 0ED
By car: parking is available at Boxgrove Primary school which is located on The Street, opposite the entry to the Priory. A number of spaces for people with limited mobility will be available in the Priory car park.
By public transport: There is a regular bus service which runs from the Chichester Bus Station (situated opposte Chichester Railway Station) to Boxgrove.
The #55 bus leaves the Bus Station at 20 past and 50 past the hour, the journey takes appoximately 20 minutes.
The timetable can be found at: