Inch House Community Choir Eight Week Winter Term 2024

Join us for the final term of 2024, wrapping up a fantastic second year together culminating in a Christmas concert at Easter Road with our Sister choir - Hibs community choir. Performance is optional, tho thoroughly recommended.Tuesday evenings 29th October - 10th December | 7-9pm | Eight week term
Subscription to be paid on a termly-basis
NEW SINGERS ARE WELCOME! There is plenty room and the more the merrier!
If you'd love to come along but simply can't afford to then you CAN 'HONESTY' places or 'PAY WHAT YOU CAN' places are offered per-term. No questions asked. If you would like one of these places or need further information, please email Heather at
Everything is taught by ear and there is no requirement to read music or for any previous experience.
Heather has a relaxed, fun method of leading, there is nothing technical, fussy or formal.
Choir is a time for yourself, to relax and let go and to enjoy doing that with a lovely group of people.
Inch House Community Centre
225 Gilmerton Road, Inch Park, Edinburgh, EH16 5UF