SPPS Earlier Career 3 day programme

The programme is suitable for teachers from their second year up to M5 or are experienced teachers returning to teaching. Facilitated by Cassie Malone (Headteacher of Sevenoaks Primary School) and Helen Jones (Education Consultant). The venue for each day will be a different primary school (venues t.b.c.).PLEASE BOOK THE FIRST DATE - 19.11.24 TO SECURE YOUR PLACE FOR ALL THREE DATES - 19.11.24, 20.3.25, 5.6.25
Please arrive at 9 am for refreshments. We will begin at 9.15 am. Lunch is provided. Please provide dietary needs when booking.
Programme Content Overview:
Learning from others and sharing ideas including a learning walk and talking to the host school's leader.
Further develop your understanding of high-quality teaching based on a clear understanding of pedagogical research and the cognition of learning.
Consider how to apply the pedagogical research to set personal development steps.
Improve your subject leadership and hear about practical and realistic ideas.
Three schools to be confirmed.